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Westport Charter Boat Association - Who We Are

The Westport Charterboat Association (WCBA) is a Washington non-profit corporation whose members are Charterboat owners, operators, and Booking Services. WCBA was founded in 1957 for the purpose of promoting Charterboat fishing for salmon in the Westport, Washington area. In addition to Salmon, our fleet fishes for Albacore Tuna, Halibut, Lingcod, and many varieties of Rockfish. One vessel offers Pelagic Bird Watching trips throughout the year. Conservation has increasingly become the guiding principle in fishery management and sustainable fisheries have become the goal of long-range fishery planning in our State. WCBA is dedicated to fishing in a manner that conserves our valuable fishery resources for future generations.

WCBA works with State, Federal, and Tribal fishery management entities and others in order to attain fishing seasons that are both people and fish friendly. We are involved in the in-season management of fisheries that are quota-based and we participate in the gathering of scientific and statistical data required to manage the fisheries. We also work with the United States Coast Guard to ensure that our vessels are safe and comfortable.

The future of our marine resources and public participation in the harvest depends on cooperation between the fishery managers and the harvesting community. The Westport Charterboat Association is dedicated to that end.

Charterboat fishing in Westport is part of our common heritage in Washington State. Over the past seven decades, millions of people have experienced the thrill of landing a salmon, ling cod, rockfish, albacore tuna, or one of many other species that inhabit the waters off Westport.

We invite you to take part in this experience: just you and a nice Pacific fish on the other end of the line. Why don't you plan on taking a fishing trip with us this year?

| Home | Who we are | Booking Services | Types of Trips | Fishing Derby | FAQ | Seasons |

Westport Charterboat Association
PO BOX 654
Westport, WA 98595
Contact Us: Comments or Questions